
Credit Card Analysis.

In most businesses, credit card acceptance is a must to provide your customers payment options. After the customer interaction, most of the credit card process is automated with batch settlements, deposits into your designated bank account and a monthly statement to follow from your processor showing their fees. However there are many facets to payment cards to be considered for their financial as well as brand impact. Penlight's Credit Card Analysis looks at the full credit card journey to provide insights on hidden fee expenses, chargebacks, POS handling, surcharge regulation and customer impacting events such as double charges or disputable amount differences.

Insights our Credit Card Analysiss have provided to our Customers.

  • Identification of an employee who changed the amount charged on customers' orders
  • Discovered additional fees assessed for chargebacks
  • Identified non-compliance and provided recommended modifications to policy to ensure compliance with state surcharge regulations
  • Identified customers who were charged twice through processor